Don’t have time to wade through the many articles I’ve posted on water fluoridation? Such as:
- Where does our fluoride come from?
- Why the ADA changed their minds on fluoridation.
- Comparison of fluoridating and non-fluoridating countries.
- Dental fluorosis.
- Glands affected.
- Affect on bones.
- Harvard study on IQ drops in children.
OK, do you have 6 minutes? The attached video, from explains the whole argument in an encapsulated form for those too busy to investigate. Really? You can’t spare 6 minutes to understand something that will help you and your family be healthier?
Have you quit being involved in politics because the candidates are always all the same and no one ever says anything of substance during a campaign? Please check out the rest of my site, I’m saying a lot to let you know who I am and how I think. And the one big divide in the campaign for mayor of Grand Rapids is that I understand the problem of water fluoridation, actually care about doing something to improve your health, and if elected will fight for you in this and other areas!
There is no Valid Evidence to Prove Fluoridation Works, say Researchers
After reviewing all available fluoridation studies, the independent and trusted UK-based Cochrane group of researchers could not find any quality evidence to prove fluoridation changes the “existing differences in tooth decay across socioeconomic groups.” Neither could they find valid evidence that fluoride reduces adults’ cavity rates nor that fluoridation cessation increases tooth decay
Fluoridation may reduce cavities in children (2 primary teeth or 1 permanent tooth). But Cochrane cautions these studies have “high risk of bias” and were mostly done before preventive measures were widespread, e.g. fluoridated toothpaste and sealants.
Diverting attention away from Cochrane, the Centers for Disease Control, which indirectly funded the Cochrane Review, and the American Dental Association defended fluoridation recommending instead the 2013 U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force’s Fluoridation Recommendation.
But the Task Force also admitted it couldn’t evaluate how race, ethnicity and total fluoride intake influenced fluoridation effectiveness because of limited data. “Few studies provided data on socioeconomic status, and most studies had measurement issues; many didn’t blind examiners and there was a lack of consistency among indices used to measure caries.”
Unlike the ADA and CDC Foundation, the Cochrane Group is “unconstrained by commercial and financial interests.” Cochrane answered its critics here.
Newsweek reports that scientists, who were assigned to review fluoridation research, are shocked at the lack of valid fluoridation-supporting evidence. Government agencies have a long history of minimizing reviews critical of fluoridation science.
Fluoride supplements, first recommended based on the theory that fluoridation prevents tooth decay, unsurprisingly, also are mostly ineffective.In 2011, Cochrane “rated 10 trials as being at unclear risk of bias and one at high risk of bias, and therefore the trials provide weak evidence about the efficacy of fluoride supplements.”